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Monday, November 12, 2012

Creative things to do with kids (for the future) and a meager catch up

I just saw this pin on pinterest:

I remember my mother was SO creative with us. I need to ask her for ideas. I hope that when we have babies I won't just get so completely overwhelmed and forget these ideas by the time our kids are old enough for them.

Some I am adding:
-surprise them with an indoor picnic
-send them on a scavenger hunt
-cut their food into fun shapes
-put all toys in storage except 10, cover the rest in wrapping paper, and once a month they get "present day", plus they can earn extra present days. Don't forget to put the old toys back into the rotation!
-have a s'more night
-go camping in the living room (my sister and I used to love doing this!)

In other news, I haven't posted in over a month. I've been really bad since summer. Stupid military base with poor internet got me into some poor blogging habits.

Lots of recipes and wedding details coming soon!

Also - look at this amazing website my sister-in-law Sarah sent me! I want to make a million, or one for each season, or at least just one iPhone 5 cover.

New How I Met Your Mother in 2 minutes.

I leave you with a few of my favorite pictures from lately: (ps, I decided to only post 10, but I have so much to catch you all up on, not even including the wedding!)

This morning - how could I drag myself out with these two cuddle bugs? Yes, I did get in trouble by Charlie for having the dogs upstairs.

Charlie in Baghdad in 2007 - Happy Veterans Day to my favorite Veteran!

Dinner the other night - I love our wedding serve ware!!!! The chicken is a pomegranate chicken that I tried to copy from Market Grille Cafe - it was pretty good but not yet perfect.


Clara playing with the "Daddy Bear" at our house. She said "the bear is going to work", how cute.

I'm wearing a Lee scarf! So warm and stylish

Katy and her bff Maya Marie (Katy gave my dog a middle name)

Shredded brussel sprouts salad, recipe to come!

Charlie and Jeff with Grant and Todd (Charlie had just shaved his head)

Texting Sarah (my gym buddy) during balletone, such a good class.

AH there is another one I want to post but that's enough.

HIMYM wooo!

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