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Thursday, September 12, 2013

So about my post yesterday... :-)

I waited to post about the pregnancy until we mailed that announcement to our families and close friends...

If you're a blog follower or close to us at all, you probably know about my miscarriage and D&C back in January, and that we wanted to try for a baby again. Well, Charlie was deployed when the D&C happened so it obviously didn't happen right away. Or for the next few months. I swear, every time you don't get that positive pregnancy test it's like a tiny blow to your ego, and every month that passes you wonder if you're infertile. I seriously have so much respect, sadness, and admiration, for women who go through years of this. Not to get political, but insurance NEEDS to cover IVF.

Thank God we didn't have to go that route, because after 3 months of negatives, I woke up and decided, why not? I was peeing on sticks peeing on money constantly anyway. This is what I saw:


I immediately texted Jaren and asked "am I seeing things or is that a really super faint line on the left?" To which she responded, freaking out, that I was pregnant and that's what she had with Clara. Ladies trying to conceive (or the opposite) - be warned - THAT is a positive!!!

I took another immediately, even though I know "first morning urine" Is the "most potent".

Okay, still ridiculously faint, but I could sort of see it. I didn't tell ANYBODY (except Jaren who already knew, sorry Charlie), and I rant to the store and got a digital.


Called the doctor, went in for HCG test. It came back as a 14!!! Most pregnancy tests aren't supposed to pick up anything below 25 - so use those brands, they rock!

I wanted to find a "moment" to tell Charlie and even held it in when he ran home to get something, but then when I saw him the next time I couldn't' hold it in anymore, so I made him come into my car (he was outside walking into the house with people in it) and showed him the positive digital test. We told my parents that night :-) Jaren was getting all excited and I was being very cautious. Next? Ultrasound in 3 weeks. Longest 3 weeks of my life.

I decided to keep peeing on things while I was waiting for that ultrasound. Was the line getting darker? Coming faster? Why yes :-) This was about a week later:

Meanwhile those three weeks passed and I felt okay - a little sick/queasy, and throwing up a bit but nothing I didn't' expect.

Then July 15th came and I knew the next day would be either the happiest or saddest birthday depending on how the ultrasound went.
Heart rate of 119 - higher than it had EVER been!!!

I have praised my love for my doctor and his office before, but let me say it again. He immediately asked if I wanted to come back in a week to check on the heart rate again. See - the last time, I had a heart rate, and it went down in a week. So, even though I was content with a heart rate that was right on track (I was measuring 6.5 weeks), I still thought it would go away. One week later - it went up to 147!

He then asked "Okay do you want to come back next week?" And I laughed and said at that point I think I could wait two. Two weeks later? Heart rate was 181.

Look at the gummy bear! It's no longer a blob!!!!
All the old wives tales said girl (well see about that). I told Jaren and she just screamed GIRL, and Charlie was already deployed and said we needed to start thinking of little girls names.

Back to July 15th, the week of my birthday. I woke up that weekend, dry  heaving, more sick than I think I've been from any hangover, disease, or anything, ever. It did not get any better the rest of the day and Charlie called my doctor on a Saturday. He prescribed me zofran. For one week, it did nothing, except give me side effects. At one point I just went downstairs in the middle of the night and cried on the couch. I took a selfie to send to my parents who were out of town saying Charlie was being an awesome hubby but I wanted my mommyyyyy!


That is such a horrible picture but I think it's hilarious.

Charlie stocked the fridge with protein yogurt drink he forced down my throat, gatorade, and other essentials:

I was seriously force feeding myself crackers and popsicles. Let me say - I NEVER imagined I would be this distraught over not having an appetite. I love food and have always thought how easy it would be to be skinny if I just didn't really care for food. It's NOT fun!

Gradually I was able to eat more. I tried saltines and butter to get some fat:

And after about two weeks I was consistently able to eat toast and fruit (peaches mostly), I introduced pasta and hot dogs back in. I didn't necessarily keep any of it down, but at least I was able to stomach eating it! My dad explained to just try and eat - even if I threw up my body would retain some of it.

I was laughing because I was seriously eating the diet of a 3 year old picky child. So I used my childhood silverware, why not?


Gradually started feeling a tiny bit better (I would say I didn't fully feel better until 13-14 weeks, and now at 15 weeks I still feel queasy and head rush-y in the late mornings).

Here is Maya doing some reading to prepare for her little brother or sister.


Here is baby at the 12 week scan. Measured perfectly, and looked like a baby instead of a blog or gummy bear!


For Rosh Hashanah I bought some non alcoholic wine for me and Katy (who isn't pregnant, just doesn't drink).


Last week we found out the gender. I went to My Baby Bump Imagine (GO THERE!) and had an amazon 3d/4d ultrasound and gender check with my close friends. Sadly Charlie couldn't FaceTime in but he was able to check in in between flights!


Pink or blue?

I thought baby was one gender immediately after the positive, then I wasn't sure for the next several weeks. I had a dream 2 days before my 12 week scan that they told me the gender, and this dream was right!!!!

What's your guess?

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