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Friday, October 11, 2013

19 week BUMPdate!

Eeeeh! Almost halfway there. I think when baby comes I am going to continue to do weekly updates. No longer bumpdates. "Lifedates"? I will come up with questions and do it. This way I know I'll blog at least once a week (but hopefully more).


How far along: 19 weeks 2 days. Almost halfway!!! On Wednesday, the day I "turned" 19 weeks, I woke up with no belly. Reference:

I got on with my day, etc etc. Around 1030 I showered and as I was getting dressed, I looked down, and there was this little bump!!!! 

EEEH! I can still suck it in completely (look at picture below in the black dress), but it is difficult to do, and super uncomfortable. The picture above is NOT sucking out. It's just normal.

How big is baby: Ya know what? I didn't even check on Wednesday when I "turned" 19 weeks. I do know this is one of the last weeks that we measure baby from crown to rump and not to feet. So in one week it'll seem like a ton of growth! Okay I checked my "bump" app and baby is 6" and weighs about 8.5 ounces.

Weight gained: About 4 pounds. On Wednesday I weighed a lot, but less yesterday and today. So I am rounding it to 4.

Maternity clothes: I went and bought a new pair of leggings that are not the high panel, and I love them. They just fold over - you wouldn't even know they were maternity! I also sorted through all the clothes my amazing friends Sharon and Emily gave me and am super excited to wear them. However, this dress I wore to a gala last night is NOT maternity and I was so excited to fit into it!!! So I don't technically need them. They are just more comfy.

Stretch marks: Nope. But I am sure they are coming.

Miss anything?: Last weekend the weather cooled down and I sat outside. I really would have loved a drink. But it wasn't that big of a deal, and I was alone, so I don't think I would have had one anyway! I just knew I couldn't. Also, this morning I went to sub and I was sooooo sick of cheese sandwiches. I think I'm just gonna buy some high quality organic deli meat and go for it. 

Movement: Okay. I MAY have felt something last night. But I don't know, and am not sure at all. I have been feeling a lot down there - pressure, gas, etc. Constantly. It's hard to distinguish if it's that or baby. But last night I may have felt a couple little twinges. Just don't know if it's growth/stretching, or kicks.  I am hoping I feel something in the next two weeks, but for some reason, I feel like I won't until 24 weeks. That's my prediction.

Cravings: Not really a craving but a turkey/ham sandwich, not a cheese sandwich. Also, Israeli pickles dipped in hummus. And chipotle. And Indian food. The last two were satisfied this week :-) The issue is, I eat a little bit, and get stuffed. Then I am starving again shortly after.

Aversions:  Too much food. My giant appetite has betrayed me.

Other symptoms: Tummy pressure and gas. Is that TMI on this blog? I really don't care. I constantly feel bloated and uncomfortable. Also, going potty all the time. We went to the Friends of the IDF gala last night and I think I had to leave the room abut 4-5 times during the program to go. Tolerable. But I've woken up every single night this week in the middle of the night (except for one night where I woke up at 6 am and just stayed up). Average wake time is 3-4 am, and again, wouldn't be such a big deal but it takes me about 2 hours to fall back asleep!

Best moment this week: Lots! I got to play with a goat last Friday named Abigail at Noah Shabbat. I went to a student's Bar Mitzvah which was really nice - very outside the box and true to himself. The coolest part was that his mom never had a Bat Mitzvah, and they did it together! It was so emotional. I also really enjoyed finally getting a bump. Lastly, my friend had her baby last night! I am going to go meet her after I post this :-)

Most looking forward to: Meeting Leah tonight, my friend's brand new daughter, and my anatomy scan on Monday. Next Thursday (6 days) is Taste of the Nation - the absolute BEST event in Las Vegas!

Some more pics to show just how big I got in two freaking days (minus sucking in last night to fit into that dress).

1 comment:

  1. You're so cute. Love the updates...even though I knew all of that...still fun to read.
