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Friday, October 18, 2013

20 Week Bumpdate

How far along: 20 weeks 2 days. I took that picture after Taste of the Nation last night.

How big is baby: At the anatomy scan on Monday about 9-10 ounces, and that was a few days before 20 weeks, so right on track. According to, they should weigh 10.5 ounces at 20 weeks, and they measure 6.5" from head to bottom, and 10 inches from head to toe. They peeked in 3d and his right hand is still up by his face! Someone said he wants to be like dad and is doing a salute
Every ultrasound since 14 weeks has been with his arm up so I definitely think he's gonna sleep like that. Should I even invest in swaddle blankets??

Weight gained: 5-6 pounds. Surprisingly okay with it. I know I'm gonna gain like 30 more, but I was stagnant for so long it was hard to see the numbers go up. But I feel grew now.

Maternity clothes: Still not necessary but definitely more comfortable. I wore a shirt the other day that I got from Emily, and it made me look a lot more pregnant than the belly I have, so I am learning what works for what stage.

Stretch marks: Still nope. Need to go get some belly butter that I found at Motherhood that I couldn't find on Amazon. Best smell and super soft.

Miss anything?: Well, last night was Taste of the Nation, and our regional director came up to me with tequila and said she wished she could share. Ugh. Tequila, my first love... It was weird not drinking at the event, but it wasn't that hard! I did have a meat aversion yesterday and literally spit out a bite of steak into Jaren's hand!!! Lol. Her response when someone reacted was "I'm a mom". I think she'd also had a few cocktails and didn't care.

Movement: Well, what I felt last week that I thought was gas was only partially that - it's baby bubbles! At the anatomy scan on Monday, I felt a definite "bubble" on the left side and the sonographer confirmed the location as a "hard kick".

Cravings: Fruit and fried chicken! Like chicken tenders, with ranch dressing.... Yummmmm.

Aversions:  Meat, apparently, based on my experience at taste of the nation!

Other symptoms: Very mild this week! Still kind of tired, but not abnormal, kind of headachy, but not bad at all. Kind of gassy, but now that I know it's baby bubbles, I realize I just have to get used to that feeling! Overall I feel really good!

Best moment this week: Finding out that so far everything is healthy at our anatomy scan! I also got to see my good friend Olivia and her baby boy, who will be exactly one year older than baby M!

And, my friend Leah scouted out a NEW mamaroo plush at consignment for $100 cheaper than amazon and got it on my behalf! Leah - if you're reading this, this is a written IOU. And thanks :-)

Most looking forward to: Baby: Feeling real kicks. Non baby: services and dinner at the synagogue tonight, and then going to Philly next week to visit Essy and also see my cousin Bridget and her baby boy Ryan!!

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