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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Henry Two months

Dear Henry,

Age: You are two months and four days (and also 9 weeks today!). Two elephants for two months. Three if you count Henry. I have a one month picture too that I never posted, and everything else in drafts. I guess mommy-hood does take over!

Size: You weigh about 10 pounds. I go to a mommy group every Wednesday led by a lactation consultant and they have a free baby weigh station, on your two month birthday you weighed 9 pounds and 14 ounces. You were about 22 inches. One day I decided to get out your big boy stroller seat.
 (as opposed to your bassinet or carseat)
 (in your bassinet with one of your many girlfriends, Kinsley)
Aren't those the coolest glasses?

Well, I adjusted the straps etc to fit you. And guess what? The next day I had to adjust them again. Growing growing growing! Everyone "warns" you that it happens so fast but I absolutely love seeing you grow and learn and become you.

Just look at your chubby wrists!

Milestones: You started rolling from your tummy to your back at about a month. I posted a video on fb because people wouldn't believe it otherwise. You don't do it every day, but you do it very consistently. You also hold your head up VERY well during tummy time which you are not the biggest fan of. You have very recently started grabbing fabrics like my shirt or a blankie, so I took out a lovey giraffe that we named "Jilly" and hope you'll play with it since it rattles etc. You swat at toys on your playmate and sometimes fall asleep, and you alsop lay with big board books.
You make eye contact and track, and you do have a social smile, I think. These pictures definitely show it but I am not sure if it is 100% intentional yet. You tend to smile more in the morning, and you love your Granny Lolly and smile at her a lot. 
 (guess who swaddled you the night before this picture was taken?)

I can't wait until I am 100% certain that it's an intentional smile because you love seeing us as much as we love seeing you.

You've recently discovered your tongue and we can see you sticking it out and playing with it. At first we thought you wanted your paci but you stay super calm so we think you're just playing around.

Family: You absolutely love your Granny Lolly. We have an app called smallnest that syncs so Granny Lolly and Daddy each have it on their phones - we can track your eating, sleeping, diapers, and much more. Well, Granny Lolly checks it every morning when she knows you're probably up and feeding (you wake up between 6-7) and she usually comes to spend time with you right then and you LOVE it. You're definitely a morning baby which isn't my favorite because I'm not a morning person, but I've adjusted and love spending that time with you, and love spending that time watching you and Granny Lolly together while I pump.
You and granny lolly before one of our walks:

And taking a rest together:

You have a very special bond with her and Saba, who we have started calling "sababa" (which means "cool" in Hebrew). One of my favorite pictures is when they were both over at our house and didn't realize it but they were both holding one of your hands while you played.
You also get along with the dogs. At first they kind of ignored you and now they sort of sniff and protect you. You got to meet Maya before she died and she loved you so much. This is one of my favorite pictures: 
You love Odge and Lee and Lee tends to protect you as we thought he would.  The other day Sababa asked if he could be with you a bit (while I did some sewing) and they dogs came and cuddled with you two.

Your favorite thing to do with your daddy is cuddle. Daddy could just watch you sleep and for a long time just held you in his arms and wouldn't let go. When you were really little and not sleeping through the night he would go in after I fed you and just hold you until the next time. You still sometimes take naps together and it melts my heart.

Foods: You are basically a breastfed baby and take a bottle like a champ from anybody including me, which I hear is rare. We gave you formula for about 3 nights (2 ounces mixed with my breast milk) because I went out of town for a weekend for Caroline's wedding, and even though I left several pounds of breast milk, I wanted to make sure you didn't have a formula reaction JUST IN CASE. You ended up not needing it and we had plenty left over but I wanted to be sure. You've developed a bad case of spit up, but it doesn't seem to bother you and you are gaining weight and happy, so I don't think it's reflux. I don't know yet when I will introduce solids and what your first food will be. It will be sometime between 4-6 months and I haven't decided if I want your first food to be rice cereal or oatmeal, or if I want it to be a fruit or vegetable.

Schedule: At 5 weeks you went through a hell of a growth spot, and then the day it was over you started sleeping 6 hours at night! It was a little inconsistent for a week, and then became consistent. At 7 weeks your daddy was supposed to bring you a bottle of pumped milk at 6 am when you woke up and I was just too tired to handle it. Instead he misunderstood and put your paci in your mouth. Well what do you know you slept 8 hours! Now you sleep an average of 7 hours a night. I was feeding you every 2.5 hours and just increased it to 3. We wake you up with a diaper change and then feed you immediately. THen you play for an hour, and sleep for an hour. Obviously roughly speaking. Well, now you're awake for an hour and a half since I increased it to 3. I got "Joking" criticism about waking you up to feed - people said you look so peaceful so why would I wake you? Well, I know that you loved waking up NOT starving and very calm to eat a meal, and that it helped you sleep through the night so young, so I'm so glad this worked for us. When we have to go off schedule you are a mess. Luckily, I made sure super young that you would sleep anywhere and through noise etc. You sleep in your crib at night swaddled, and anywhere else during the day. You love the mamaroo as does everyone else that walks in the door, and if daddy is home you will for sure sleep on his chest or in his arms.

Me and you: I love every ounce of you more than anything. I really was meant to be your mommy and have never loved doing anything as much as this. You are the sweetest, easiest baby. You only cry if you need something like your pacifier. We put you on your schedule right away and have done great with each adjustment. Because of this you hardly ever cry to tell me you are hungry, since we do it preemptively, unless you are having a growth spurt (you had one at 5 and 8 weeks). I love sewing clothes for you and monograming everything with your name on it. You look exactly like I did as a baby, but I think you have Daddy's eyebrows, and a combination of his nose and mine.
You're on the left and I'm on the right.

Henry Norton Maddox, I can't wait to see how much you've grown by 3 months and on and on until forever.

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet. What a precious baby and family you have. Can't wait to get back and see you guys!
