I go through phases of lots of reading and then no time at all for reading, so while im in the reading phase, i'm trying to get in as much as possible.
I recently finished about 6 books (wow, nerd!). Among them, I really enjoyed The Glass Castle, The Red Tent (which i've read before), and Tara Road by Maeve Binchy.
I came home for Thanksgiving with two pairs of jeans, about 3 or 4 shirts (figured mom would take me shopping...?) and about 6 books. Balanced I know.
I finished Vinegar Hill on the plane - it's for this month of book club (join if you want!), and I liked it, but not a favorite. Good solid book though.
I also read the Alchemist which for some reason I think I would have appreciated more in its native language, even though I clearly don't speak it. The end was really good. It seems like a good book to read in a high school English class.
I started Song of Solomon today, and it's good so far. I am reading my sister's version from her high school class and it's funny seeing her highlighted rows and some notes she took. She is the smarter sister so maybe I can take in the book better w/her help.
I have about a million books on my list right now, and I'll keep you updated.
As for other things that are going on.
-Went to teach w/my mom today and watch some of the elementary school teachers so I could observe and learn - very fun. Helped my mom w/an activity in her classroom. The campus she teaches on is beautiful and I am envious that she gets a computer in her room, and one to keep at home (the new macbook and the new imac).
Cooking..what am I cooking lately? Well last night I baked the pumpkin cheesecake for Thanksgiving. We also made a salad w/a balsamic/wine/garlic sauce. Not my best dish but we were in a rush to go hear Alan Zweibell speak - he was one of the original writers on SNL and a very funny guy - very enjoyable.
The dogs are all together and it's my favorite thing to watch all three of them, even though Maya annoys me by following me everywhere. This morning I was eating breakfast (egg whites, red pepper and onion, some lean turkey, and lean cheese), and she was on the couch and was whining and whining because i wasn't paying attention to her. Eventually she put her paws on my back and was stepping on me (kind of felt like a massage) and licking my face. So cloying! (isn't that a good word? it's on my gre vocab list).
Okay I am off to take the dogs for a walk and then the gym.
Happy Monday!