Mom and Dad just flew to Israel - so jealous! I am very content not really traveling this summer (Atlanta to take sis to med school, and boston w/mom for a weekend, but that doesn't really count). I won't go home until fall, but then I'll go twice, and then for winter again.
Moved into the new place w/Erica in N.Raleigh - we both love it! Our pool is so much fun and we just love this neighborhood. Also, I have a crush :-) We'll see what happens w/that. Haven't had a real crush in a while, and I'm not being cynical at all, which is when I know I actually like a guy, because that's how it was w/Grant. Usually guys sort of annoy me and I'm just cynical and want more independence than they give me, but this is exciting, so yay!
HG since you and my mom are prob the only ones reading this, call me woman, I miss you!