1. Improve my spelling in Hebrew and ability to have intellectual conversations fluidly.
2. Run a half marathon.
3. Do as much of my pre-reqs for masters as I can (don't want to say finish because it might take longer).
4. Be even better about lesson plans and assignments: always be at least 3 lessons ahead for every class, and never wait more than two days to start grading assignments unless it's a weekend.
5. Visit three new places (US or international)
6. Start flossing again. I know this was a resolution last year, and I did it very well for a while, and then stopped.
7. Be better about making appointments for donating blood. I could donate more often if I did this because half the time I call and they are totally booked. While we're on this, motivate 3 non-regular donors to come with me at least once each.
8. Drink less soda and even more water. Coffee still okay, but tea after 4 pm.
9. Maintain not being addicted to my phone.
10. Find a restaurant in Vegas to recreationally cook at (need to find chefs that will humor me). Can't fly to Raleigh every time I have an itching for some restaurant prep!
11. Make my parents proud.
12. Make my sister proud.
13. Stay up to date with my autism knowledge and volunteer w/FEAT or like organization at least 2 times this year, even though I am no longer doing therapy/consulting.
14. Laugh HARD every day.
15. Maintain behavioral principles in classroom management - don't be hypocritical and stand by my values, even though at times punishment/yelling seems so tasty.
16. Maintain behavioral principles in personal relationships - especially giving positive reinforcement/feedback sporadically!
17. Get more involved in Delta Gamma alumni community service - help this local chapter find visually impaired people for us to help run errands, or the like.
18. Play piano again. Haven't decided if I want to tackle learning a new piece (it would probably be 3rd movement of Beethoven's moonlight sonata), or just to re-perfect all my old pieces. Okay - start w/re-perfecting all old pieces, then decide :-P
19. Change my jewelry move often. Rings are okay, but I have so many cute earrings, and many non-heart necklaces I should show off! Okay, I'm still allowed to wear heart necklaces, but not every day!
20. My OCD is making me have 20 and not 19....AH! Oh, I know! Split my time between listening to country/npr more equally and randomly, so I don't always hear the same NPR shows but have variety.